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Kinesiology for Personal and Professional Growth


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Are you tired of feeling stuck, tired, overwhelmed and like it's "all too much"? 

It's time to take control with kinesiology. This revolutionary approach brings your body into harmony, unlocking its natural ability to heal and transforming your life.

Picture this: you're finally breaking free from the constraints holding you back, moving confidently towards your goals without the weight of uncertainty or overwhelm. That's the promise of kinesiology.

Think of it as your secret weapon against life's challenges. Whether you're struggling with burnout, uncertainty, or feeling lost, kinesiology offers clarity and direction.

But what exactly is kinesiology? It's a method rooted in muscle testing, uncovering the root causes of your obstacles and guiding you towards the solutions your body craves. 

Each session is tailored specifically for you and your needs. We work with the Chinese meridian system and acupressure points, brain function, nutritional and hormonal processes, the chakras, as well as vibrational medicine such as energy work, flower essences, crystals and sound, to assist the body to come into balance. A session can incorporate a range of these tools.

What I can help with?

Anxiety and Mental Health 

Going through change 




Grief and Loss 

Self Sabotage

Difficulty giving and receiving 


Money blocks 

Emotional blocks 

Repetitive thought patterns and constant worry 

Relationships and emotional conflicts with loved ones. 

Self esteem and self worth 

Feeling like you’re not enough

My aim is to create a safe space for you to explore your challenges, and to leave you feeling calm and ready to take on the world, as when the blocks are cleared you move out of the self-sabotage or emotional patterns that hold you back.

What are the benefits?

Assists with physical and emotional imbalances. 

Calms the body and mind. 

Assists you in creating positive choices and new thought patterns. 

Increased confidence and an improved outlook on life. 

Find clarity and life direction. 

Greater self belief and self worth Improved health and wellbeing, including relief from physical conditions. 

Self efficacy with your ability to continue your own self care. 

Tools and knowledge on how to manage your stress levels on an ongoing basis. 

An opportunity to see how small shifts can have a big impact on your life. 

Belief in yourself that you can make and sustain changes, and that anything is possible. 

Support as you make these changes with empathy, understanding and respect.

My clients find it invaluable, as it gives them confidence and self-belief to move forward to reach for their goals and desires, whether that be in their health, work or personal lives. Not only that, but it gives them clarity, so they can see the pathway forward, and the positive actions needed to get there.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to reclaim your health and vitality. Book your appointment now and embark on a journey to wellness with kinesiology.

Your transformation awaits!

Contact information

Billing address

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Initial Session In-Person - 90mins ($159.00)$159.00
  • Preferred option
    Follow-Up Session In-Person - 60mins ($99.00)$129.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

We understand that sometimes unexpected circumstances arise, and you may need to reschedule your appointment. We are happy to accommodate rescheduling requests with a minimum of 48 hours notice prior to your scheduled session. Please be aware that no refunds will be provided for missed appointments or no-shows. Your appointment slot is reserved exclusively for you, and failure to provide sufficient notice of cancellation prevents other clients from accessing our services during that time. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
have questions?
We are here to support you every step of the way. Have questions? Email us at

Kinesiology For Personal & Professional Growth

Your answer to bringing your body into balance, harnessing its innate healing capabilities, and transforming your life in ways you never thought possible.

BOOK now and get:

Personalised Healing for Personal & Professional Growth

Holistic Wellness Body, Mind & Spirit Support

Empowerment and Self-Discovery

 BONUS  Follow up note to check-in post session

  • Total payment
  • 1xKinesiology Session$0

All prices in AUD

"Working with Tara through kinesiology has been amazing—I've seen massive changes in my life and business, so now I'm hooked and booking in monthly!"


"Because of Tara's help, my endometriosis pain has really eased up. It just shows how she's so good at tackling all sorts of issues with kinesiology."


